Making Croydon Slavery Free

Highlighting and Fighting Exploitation to Ensure Croydon is Free from Modern Slavery


Our mission is to create a Slavery Free Croydon by highlighting and fighting exploitation in Croydon. We aim to inspire our local community to understand the injustices of Modern Slavery and create a certification that can be displayed in businesses, places of worship, schools, community groups etc to show that they have committed to making Croydon slavery free.

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Get Involved

Together we can make Croydon Slavery Free, you can easily help by getting involved in building brighter futures. Volunteer or donate your skills to make a difference today. It’s a small step to changing the world for those around us. Partner and/or collaborate with us to raise awareness of this horrendous injustice. Join our Multi-Agency Steering Group and be part of the change.

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About US

Working towards Slavery Free Croydon for all

Croydon Community Against Trafficking is Leading Innovative Changes

Croydon Community Against Trafficking (CCAT) is a grassroots charity that was formed 15 years ago. We are a voluntary coalition of people from all walks of life who work to campaign against human trafficking, oppression, and the enslavement of people that exists in our own community. We work with local, regional and national agencies and seek to respect human rights at all times. After researching the landscape of Modern Slavery in Croydon, we have successfully been able to focus our efforts on raising awareness through two key areas: firstly our robust awareness raising workshops and secondly through establishing the first Croydon-wide Multi-Agency Steering Group. We are taking this work further by developing the Slavery Free Croydon project as a key part of the future of Croydon.

Workshops on ‘How To Spot The Signs’ of Modern Slavery

Creating Croydon’s first-ever Multi-Agency Steering Group

Establishing Slavery Free Croydon for future sustainability


Speaking loud and clear

Modern Slavery occurs in various forms, especially Human Trafficking. People are groomed, coerced, forced, threatened and abused, sometimes even forced into doing various criminal activities by exploiters. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking acts include sexual exploitation, forced labour, trafficked children, financial exploitation, county lines, organ harvesting, among others. Croydon as a London Borough currently has the highest number of Modern Slavery cases reported to the National Referral Mechanism. More needs to be done to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Giving potential victims a voice is where CCAT makes the biggest impact, as recognition of the ongoing work, our volunteers have been awarded the Points of Light Award from 10 Downing Strees as well as the Marsh Christian Trust Award. Slavery Free Croydon is the way forward, building from our strong history of successful campaigns.

Presented in the House of Commons and at Conferences in Europe how CCAT through its volunteers achieves community action

Regularly asked to talk to community groups across UK to help them understand the issues about trafficking and to help them with some simple actions

Successfully campaigned to stop advertising of sex establishments, dubious saunas, massage parlours and nail bars in Newsquest Group newspapers across UK including The Croydon Guardian

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Donate to our cause

Support us!

Together we can do more. We are asking for your help today because we need to stop human trafficking and make Croydon a safer place for us all. By making a small, easily affordable donation, you will be safely helping to cut perpertrators off at the knees as well as giving people at risk a chance at a better life. Thank you for your support.

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.”

–Sherry Anderson

Get INVolved

Join as a Volunteer and help your local community

Your involvement in awareness raising and related activities will help vulnerable people escape human trafficking and begin to heal, ultimately leading to a brighter future. Your time and expertise can contribute to raising awareness, connecting the dots, and supporting our multi-agency approach, thereby cutting off perpetrators at the knees.

As a CCAT Community Champion volunteer you can help people build futures, cut down on exploitation, keeping children and vulnerable adults safe from harm. You can make Slavery Free Croydon an established part of the community.

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